#2 - The Horror! The Horror!
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While putting finishing touches on my Hamlet paper and quietly reading old ballads for AP English, I wonder to myself… Why would you right a ballad in Scottish dialect? I guess back then they had nothing better to do than spell words wrong. Or maybe that’s just how English is truly meant to be spoken (Oops! Passive voice! So sue me. Its my rant.), but our lazy tongues started to slowly mispronounce and twist words until BAM! You have good old modern English. Not that anyone really cares too much. Just thought I’d comment on it, since there’s nothing better to do… *wink*
Did I mention I gave blood?! No? Guess what? I gave blood? (haha) That was last Tuesday, nearly a week ago already. But I’m still feeling the effects! First of all, the lady who hooked me up to the bag nearly chopped my arm off in the process (I’m being a little sarcastic…) and the whole 10 minutes I gave blood, it hurt. It also left a nice colorful bruise. Also, I’ve lost most of the feeling in my forearm!!! Now, no one else I know has had this problem. I think this all happened because the nurse who stuck me with the needle did it wrong and I flinched and screwed it all up. I’m usually good with needles. However, this lady wasn’t.
Well… I have another comic done. I was contemplating whether I should put it up at all. It is kind of… different. Its not really ‘graphic’ I’ve seen much worse. It just gets the plot started… you know. It is necessary. I swear! But we’ll have more on the plot later.
Have you begun to wonder why this pathetic comic even exists? Why? I’ll tell you why! Well, maybe not in this rant I won’t. Why not? (hehe) because Jerm and I will concoct some sort of nifty graphic filled page for you to go read later. How’s that for you?!
Boy do I feel lazy. Yeah, even after a good relaxing senior skip day. Skip? Who, me? Ok, I admit. I skipped. But it wasn’t all that great. I had a bad stomachache when I woke up this morning and no one was even home for half the day. I did accomplish to order new plates for my Rossi snowboard bindings, but it was a rainy and miserable day… a waste to say the least. 100 days till the next senior skip day. You know I’m counting down!