Rant #3 – Holy, Cow, Batman!

10-2-01 9:42pm

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It was crazy! Homecoming night was happening before my eyes! I was so happy to be on court, it was such an honor! But… being queen? Me? Right… That’s a joke. I mean, with all the other beautiful, deserving girls on the court, there was no way I’d get it. Just look at me! I’m a band nerd! I’m the proud Assistant Section Leader of the Lower Brass Section, come on! I’m not a cheerleader or a raiderette… I’m on the swim team. I love to act, I draw and write for a living (as of now, so to speak), I am obsessed with Role Playing Games…(God Bless the makers of Final Fantasy VII!) and I’m a snowboarder. How weird can you get? Not much weirder. Did I mention I just joined a steel drum band? Hehe… I love what I do and the activities I’m in and I don’t regret anything. But, I’m not really ‘ideal queen material’. Well, at least I didn’t think so. Royalty? Haha! It never appealed to me and now that I am Queen, it still doesn’t. I won the title… but I’m the same old Bethany Moreau. Sure, I’m sometimes referred to as ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Queeny’ but I guess that’s just what comes with winning. Win? I didn’t think I would, not at all. When they said my name, I froze solid. Not because we were standing outside on a wide-open football field in 43 degree weather, but because I was in shock.

              Then the other girls tackled me with hugs (I’m sure some were throwing punches… what you thought I was crying cause I was happy? No, I was getting beaten! …no, just joking!). I did cry, mostly because I was shocked and also because I seriously did not think that I deserved it. I tell you, being crowned… it was the fastest 2 minutes of my life. We were out on the field, crowned, and off again in no time flat. It was so surreal. But it happened. I have the tiara to prove it! *cheesy smile* Hehehe…

            In other breathtaking news… I’m drawing, as fast and as skillful as I possibly can. (It’s hard to be fast, and skillful… so they kind of balance each other out) It is hard work. I’ve been letting myself stay up till 10 and that’s it. Otherwise, I’ll burn out way too fast. (On Saturday, however, I can stay up till 2 or 3… Unless I have an English paper due *sigh*) I’ve learned a lot from this senior project… Wait; let me emphasize this a little… I HAVE LEARNED A LOT FROM MY SENIOR PROJECT. I really have! I have come to realize that it takes a whole lot of time to make ONE single comic. I mean, listen to the process:


Another problem I have it this copyright business. I need to get my characters… my comic copyrighted. Yeah. So that could be a problem since I don’t know how. Oh well, I’ll do it some way, some day. But its almost 10 so I’m going to sign out. Rant over, more next time. Tune in again for more reading enjoyment… (I wonder what I’ll wear to school tomorrow… hmmm)


- Bette-sama